Monday, March 16, 2009

An Interview With Ethan Cole

I decided it would be interesting to do some interviews. We'll see how interesting they really are!
The first one will be with my five year old son, Ethan. He loves to get his picture taken, to play the Nintendo Wii and likes being outside (but only when the temperature is perfect or he has someone to play kickball with). He is also extremely loving and notices everything.

Mama- What is your favorite color? And why?

Ethan- "Black. Because I like to write with it."

Mama- If you had to watch one movie for the rest of your life what would it be?

Ethan- "Penelope. The very end she breaks the curse and her nose turns into a real nose."

Mama- What do you like most about me (Mama)?

Ethan- "Uhh...I like when you make cookies for me."

Mama- What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?

Ethan- "Play the Wii, and cuddle, too."

Mama- What do you really think of your new baby brother, Logan?

Ethan- "I think he will always smile when he grows up. I think he is cute the most when he is a baby."

Mama- Do you even know what an interview is?

Ethan- "I don't know what it means."

Mama- Thank you, Ethan for letting me interview you. You can go back to playing the Wii, now. I love you!

Ethan- "You're welcome! Can you print this out?"

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